Brief History of Rome
Time course of the old Rome
History starorimske državeod 753 BC to 476th The shares on this period:
Roman Kingdom
* Roman Kingdom (753 BC - 510 BC), when Rome ruled the Roman kings.
about 753 BC, 22 of April - Romulov osnutak Rome
about 753 BC - 715 BC - The rule of King Romulus (the first king of Rome)
about 715 BC - 673 BC - Reign of Numa Pompilius; osnutak Senate and the priest courses
about 673 BC - 642 BC - The rule of Tula Hostilius and construction Curia Julia (the Senate Building)
about 642 BC - 617 BC - Rule Anka Marcius
about 617 BC - 578 BC - The rule of Tarquinius I.; construction of the Circus Maximus
about 578 BC - 534 BC - Reign of Servius Tullius; certain sacred limits of the city of Rome - Pomerium
about 534 BC - 510 BC - The rule of the last Roman king Tarquinius II. Oholog; construction of the Temple Jupiter Optimus Maximus
Roman Republic
list of the consuls of the Roman Republic
Roman Republic (510 BC-30 BC), when Rome, under the leadership of the senate as a city and state managed to forestall the whole Apennine peninsula, the Mediterranean, North Africa and parts of Asia.
Age of the early Roman Republic (510 BC - 351 BC)
* 510 BC - The first consuls were Lucius Junius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Kolatin
* 508 BC - Administration under the pontifex maximus (high priest)
* 496 BC - Battle Regilskog lake (Lago Reggio) against the Latin legions
* 494 BC - First secessio plebis
* 493 BC - Association with the Federation of Latin cities
* 450 BC - Other secessio plebis
* 450 BC - Decemviri published Twelve Tables of Roman law and Roman law.
* 447 BC - Tribunicial Assembly
* 443 BC - Centurijska Assembly
* 406 BC - 396 BC - War with Etruscan town Vejom (Wei)
* 390 BC - Battle on the river against Ali Gala
* 367 BC - Restoration of power Consul - Licinijev and Sekstijev Law
* 366 BC - Office of the city magistrates (Preator Urbanus)
* 365 BC - Die famous Roman general Camillo, Marcus Furius (Latin Marcus Furius Camillus)
The rise and development of the Roman Republic (351 BC - 130 BC)
* 351 BC - First elected Censor Wu centurijsku Assembly from among the plebeians
* 343 BC - 341 BC - First Samnite War
* 340 BC - 338 BC - Latin War
* 327 BC - 304 BC - Second Samnite War
* 300 BC - Plebeians can become priests (Lex Ogulnia)
* 298 BC - 290 BC - Third Samnite War
* 296 BC - Battle Sentinuma (Sentino)
* 280 BC - 275 BC - Pyrrhic invasion of Italy
* 280 BC - Battle of Heraclea
* 279 BC - Battle Askuluma
* 275 BC - Battle Beneventuma
* 265 BC - Decline of Etruria and Campania (Campania), a Roman method of divide and conquer (divide et Impero) rule throughout Italy
* 264 BC - 241 BC - First Punic War
* 261 BC - Battle Agrigentum
* 260 BC - Battle of Mila
* 256 BC - Battle of Cape Cape Ecnomus
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* 256 BC - Shipwreck at Kamerine
* 255 BC - Battle of the River Bagradi
* 250 BC - Siege Lilibeja
* 249 BC - Battle of Drepana
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* 242 BC - Battle Egadskih swelling
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* 241 BC - Capitulation of Carthage and the peace treaty
+ 242 BC - Office of the magistrates Peregrina (Preator Peregrinus)
+ 241 BC - Sardinia and Corsica becomes the first Roman province
+ 229 BC - 228 BC - The Illyrian War
+ 219 BC - Second Illyrian War
+ 218 BC - 201 BC - Second Punic War
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# 218 BC - Battle Ticinus
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# 218 BC - Battle of the Trebia
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# 217 BC - Battle of Lake Trasimene
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# 216 BC - Battle of Cannae
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# 207 BC - Battle Metaurus
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# 202 BC - Battle of Zama
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+ 214 BC - 205 BC - The first Roman-Macedonian War
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+ 200 BC - 197 BC - Another Roman-Macedonian War
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# 197 BC - Battle Cinoscefale
+ 197 BC - Uprising španjolskih tribes, most notably the luzitanski uprising under the leadership of variations
+ 197 BC - Expansion of Syrian kingdom in Asia Minor
+ 190 BC - Battle of Magnesia against the Syrian king Antioiha III.
+ 180 BC - Legislation Lex Villia Anna, which was established office cursus honorum
+ 171 BC - 168 BC - Third Roman-Macedonian War
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# 168 BC - Battle Pidne
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+ 154 BC - 133 BC - Against luzitanaca in Španjolskoj
+ 150 BC - Victory over Kartag
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+ 149 BC - 146 BC - Third Punic War
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# 148 BC - Battle Leukopetre against Ahejskog Alliance
+ 149 BC - Lex Carpurnia law to legalize the establishment of a permanent Executive Court
+ 146 BC - Scipio Aemilianus destroyed the cities of Carthage and Corinth and founded the province of Africa
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+ 138 BC - Slave Revolt in Sicily
+ 135 BC - The first slave war
+ 133 BC - Murder of the deputies (Tribune) Tiberius Gracchus after the passage of the agrarian reform
+ 133 BC - Pergamum King Attalus III. voluntary surrender of Pergamum kingdom in the hands of the Romans
+ 130 BC - Osnutak province of Asia, Pergamum Kingdom, now part of the Roman state has nine provinces: Asia, Africa, Cisalpine Gaul, Illyria, Corsica, Macedonia, Sicily, Sardinia and Hispania.
of age class and civil wars in the Roman Republic (130 BC - 30 BC)
+ 125 BC - 121 BC - Fight against the Celts, Romans in determining Massiliji (southern France) and the creation of the tenth of the Roman province of Gaul (Gallia Gaul)
+ 123 BC - Selecting the tribune Gaius Gracchus
+ 121 BC - Implementation of laws on protection of persons of Roman citizens (senatus consultum de re publica defendo) at the insistence of Gaius Gracchus
+ 111 BC - 105 BC - Jugurthine war in Numidia
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+ 105 BC - Struggle against the Romans, Celts and Germanic tribes Cimbre and Teutons, and the Battle of Arauzija
+ 104 BC - The second slave war
+ 103 BC - Selection Lucia Apuleja Saturninus for national tribune, Gaius Servilija Glaukije choice for the magistrates and the consul Gaius Marius
+ 102 BC - Battle of Aqua Sekstija against Teuton
+ 101 BC - Battle against Vercelli Cimbre
+ 99 BC - Marcus Livius Drusus selection of popular tribune and attempted reorganiziranja senate and the judiciary
+ 91 BC - Murder national tribune Marcus Livius Drusus
+ 91 BC - 88 BC - Italic War alliance against Rome
# 89 BC - Battle Askuluma
# 88 BC - Commander Lucius Cornelius Sulla obey the tribe Marso
+ 90 BC - Passed a law granting civil rights to those who are faithful to Rome (Lex Iulia)
+ 89 BC - Civil rights law promised to those who are in the following 60 days submit (Lex Plautia Papiria), which caused the disintegration of the allies
+ 89 BC - Mithridates VI. Eupator exploits absorption Roman province of Asia and occupies
+ 89 BC - Rome appointed Cornelius Sulu province manager for Asia and the commander pontoon wars (89 BC - 85 BC) against Mithridates VI. Eupatora which also intensified the political struggle in Rome
# 87 BC - Battle against Archelaus
# 86 BC - Landings in Thessaly and Athens after taking three months of siege
# 86th BC - Battle of Chaeronea
# 86 BC - Battle Orchomenus
# 85 BC - Signed Dardanski pontoon peace between King Mithridates, and the Romans
+ 88 BC - The whole free population of Italy gets the rights of Roman citizenship, the proposal tribune Publius Suflicija Rufus, weakened the position of the senate and free Italic citizens into all Tribe, became proconsul Gaius Marius and the army commander in the war against Mithridates VI.
+ 88 BC - 82 BC - The first civil war in Rome
# 88 BC - Sula occupies Rome and supporters are being expelled from Rome, Maria Gaia
# 82 BC - Sula re-entering Rome after the bloody battle of Porta Colin and Institutes dictatorship
+ 83 BC - 82 BC - Second pontoon war
+ 82 BC - 79 BC - Dictatorship Cornelius Sulla
+ 78 BC - Mark Consul Aemilius Lepidus organized peasant uprising against Sulinih veteran and was defeated in the Mars field in front of Rome, in its attempt entry into Rome
+ 78 BC - Mary Gaja rebellion supporters, led by the Quintus Sertorius, Sulinih against supporters of Hispania
+ 77 BC-Pompey wins big in Marijevce Hispania slaves become important factors in the life of Rome, founded gladiatorial schools
+ 74 BC - 64 BC - third pontoon war
# 69 BC - Battle Tigranokerta
# 65 BC - Pompey the Great victory of Mithridates VI. and osnutak provinces of Armenia and the spread of Roman domination of the Party
+ 73 BC - Slave revolt led by Spartacus
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+ 67 BC - Pompey the Great clean Mediterranean from pirates
+ 63 BC - Tullius Cicero was elected consul, Cicero Lucius Katilinom conflict with the zaoštravaj and try Katilinog violent conquest of power and defeat at Pistoia; Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus because of their involvement in the plot avoid death penalty
+ 59 BC - Establishment of the first triumvir between Crassus, Pompey the Great and Caesar
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+ 58 BC - Victory against Caesar in the Gallic wars against Helveta and Herman and his setting for Cisalpijskom proconsul in Gaul, Illyria and Gaul Narborskom
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+ 56 BC - Caesar occupies spaces of today's France and Belgium; reconciliation between Crassus and Pompey the Great at the meeting triumvir in Lucca.
+ 55 BC - Pompey the Great and Marco elected consul Crassus, Pompey won the governorship of the province of Hispania and the province of Crassus Syria
+ 54 BC - Cesar over to Britain and impose power, he set out to Kras Mezopotamiju (partski Roman wars)
+ 53 BC - At the battle of Carrhae, Marko Crassus was defeated and killed
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+ 52 BC - Caesar was defeated at the battle of Gale Alezije and suppressed the uprising in Gaul; triumvir first breakup, the choice of Pompey the Great for the consul and switch on the side optimata, the conservative faction of the senate
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+ 49 BC - Cesar over Rubin (alia iacta six) and marched on Rome, which caused another Roman civil war
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+ 48 BC - Caesar, Pompey winning supporters in the battle of Ilerde in Španjolskoj, named for the dictator after his return to Rome, and the battle of Farsale, Pompeii and beats him being expelled to Egypt
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+ 47 BC - Alexandria rat
+ 46 BC - Battle Thapsusa
+ 46 BC - Caesar declared dictator
+ 45 BC - Battle Mundo, where Caesar defeated Pompey supporters, and Pompey's sons
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+ 44 BC - The Senate declared Caesar, emperor for life, with the right decisions about war and peace, the management of state funds. His decisions, no one is allowed to oppose.
+ 44 BC - The assassination of Caesar and the third Roman civil war between Caesar's murderer (the Republicans) led Gajem Cassius Longinus and Marcus Junius Brutus and Caesar štovatelja Mark Antony, Marcus Aemilius Lepidus and Gaius Octavian Julius
# 43 BC - Octavian, Lepidus and Mark Antony establish the second triumvirate
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# 42 BC - Battle of Philip in Macedonia, against the Republicans and the victory of Octavian and Antony, after which Anthony gets the administration of the eastern provinces and Octavian returns to Rome
+ 41 BC - Revolt in Peruzijumu (Perugia)
+ 40 BC - The Senate appointed Herod the Great king of Judah
+ 39 BC - Anthony returns to the territory occupied by the other party in the beginning of the war partskog
+ 36 BC - Mark Vipsanius Agrippa battles at Mile Nauloha wins and Sextus Pompey, Caesar's followers opponent that was established in Sicily and endangering trijumvirsku rule
+ 32 BC - Interruption of the friendship between Octavian and Antony
+ 31 BC - Battle of Actium, Octavian between one and Cleopatra and Antony on the other side
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+ 30 BC - Egypt becomes a Roman province; Octavian becomes unlimited ruler of the Roman Empire, which was completed the great age of conquest and the Roman Republic
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Roman Empire
* Roman Empire (27 BC-476th) begins with the first emperor, Augustus. 117. year, the emperor Trajan, the Roman Empire reaches its greatest territorial expansion. 395th Empire divides the Western Roman Empire and Eastern Roman Empire, later called Byzantine Empire or Byzantium.
Western Roman Empire collapsed 476,
and the Byzantine Empire 1453rd
about 23 BC - Octavian, now August, received the title of Imperium Maius
about 19 BC - August is compiled a list of new senators, which now has 600, and put himself in the first place (whence the name potječe princeps senatus - champion of the Senate) and established a new form of government - Principate, organized by the History Personal Guard - pretorijance; is declared Augustus ( elevated), established the strength of public order in Rome and established a fire department
about 19 BC - August is completely conquered Spain
about 16 BC - 15 BC - Victory of the Germanic tribes and the expansion of the empire to the river Labe
about 12 BC - 7 BC - Tiberius conquers Pannonia and goes to the province of Germans, for the Prevention of rebellion Germanic tribes
on the 5th year - Tiberius fully obey Germanic
on the 6th year - Judea becomes a Roman province
on the 6th - 9 year - Batonski war
on the 9th year - Battle of Teutoburške forests, heavy defeat of the Roman, Germanic tribes, led by Arminia (until recently served Rome), from the ambush, attacked and destroyed three Roman legions
on 11th year - Tiberius and Germanicus are crushed the uprising in the province of Germany
on 13th year - the Senate declared Tiberius for Augustovog co
on 14th year - the death of Emperor Augustus and Tiberius for the appointment of his successor with the name Tiberius Julius Caesar July
on 15th year - unrest in the province of Germany
on 17th year - military revolt in Gaul and Numidia
on 21st year - military rebellion in Traciji
on 26th year - Tiberius retreated to the island of Capri pension, and assume the powers of his commander Sejan Guard, which conducts terror in Rome
on 31st years - the collapse Sejana
on 37th year - the death of Tiberius and Gaius Julius Caesar Caligula becomes imeratorom
on 41st year - Tiberius Claudius Nero becomes Emperor
on 41st - 42nd year - stay in Mauritania
on 43rd years - invasion of Britain
on 54th year - Claudius Caesar Nero becomes Emperor
on 61st year - stay in Britain, led Boudicom, head of the Iceni tribe
on 64th the year - Rome was destroyed in a fire; Nero blaming the Christians and the first organized persecution
on 66th year - Titus Flavius suffocating Jewish uprising in Judea
on 68th year - suicide Nero and the end of the reign of the dynasty Julio - Klaudijaca
on 69th year - Year of Four Emperors: the rule of the Four Emperors: The Senate recognized the Neronovog successor Galba, the Roman legions in Germany were chosen Vitellius Aula; pretorijska Guard in Rome voted Ota Mark Salvius, and at the end of the year came to power in Vespasian
on 69th - 70th year - Batavijanski uprising in the province of Germany, led Civilijem
on 70th - Titus, Vespasian's son, the future emperor, destroyed Jerusalem
on 71st - 84th year - pacification and conquest of the territory of Britain today's Wales and Scotland
on 79th years - after the death of Vespasian, Titus Flavius becomes emperor; 24th pavement, volcanic eruptions at Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum
on 80th year - partially destroyed by fire in Rome
on 80th year - opened Colosseum
on 81st year - Domitian becomes emperor
on 85th year - riots in Daci
on 96th year - murder of Domitian and the end of the reign of the dynasty Flavijaca; Nerva, the first of the so-called. Five Good Emperors became Emperor
on 98th year - Trajan becomes emperor
about 101 - 102nd year - the first war Dacko
on 106th - 109 year - Second War Dacko, somoubojstvo dačkog King Decebala Daci and becomes a province
on 106th year - the construction of Trajan Forum
on 113th - 117th years - a war with the party and suffocation uprisings in northern and central Mesopotamia
on 117th year - Publius Elia Hadrian becomes emperor
the 122nd year - the construction of Hadrian Wall (Hadrian Vallum)
the 132nd - 135th The - Jewish revolt led by Simon Bar Kokhba
on 138th year - Antoninus Pius became emperor
on 140th - 143rd years - after the riots, Antonin zauzuma Scotland; start building walls Antonina
the 152nd - 153rd year - campaign against rebels in Achaia and Egypt
the 161st year - Marcus Aurelius becomes emperor
the 162nd - 166th The - Lucia Verija unsuccessful campaigns against partskog King Olagaza III. in the fifth partskom War
on 166th - 175th year - Markomanski war against the Germanic tribes and Marcomanni KVAD
the 172nd year - the uprising Buko (shepherd) in Egypt
on 180th year - the death of Marcus Aurelius, the last of the five good emperors, his son Commodus became emperor (180 - 192)
the 192nd year - was killed Commodus, Pertinax to the throne comes, the government three months (from 192 to 193)
the 193rd year - was killed Pertinax, proclaimed emperor of the Pannonian legions of Lucius Septimius Severus
on 195th - 197 year - Septimius Severus leading sixth partski war, the dissolution of the old Praetorian Guard, which only consisted of Italic and Spanish inhabitants of Gaul and the formation of a new population of the Danube and the eastern provinces; validation military law marriage
on 208th - 211th year - Septimius Severus takes Caledonia
on 211th year - Marcus Aurelius Caracalla becomes emperor
on 212th year - Caracalla granted Constitutio Antoniniana law, which almost the entire free population of the Roman Empire gets the right of Roman citizenship
on 217th year - murder of Caracalla; Mark Opelije Macrinus becomes emperor as the first car from the knights
on 218th year - murder Macrina, the successor of Avitus was proclaimed music hall Basijan or Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, known as Elagabalus or Heliogabal without competition najrazvratniji Roman emperor, who came to power as a 14-year-old, but it was due to strong vice pretorijanci killed when he was 18 years!
the 222nd year - murder Elagabala and Alexander Severus becomes emperor
on 235th year - murder of Alexander Severus and the beginning of so-called rule. military emperors, where the 284th The prevailed somewhere around fifty emperors known in history as the Third Century Crisis.
on 249th the throne comes Trajan Decius, the first Roman Emperor of Illyrian origin
on 284th year - Diocletian becomes emperor
on 285th year - Bagaudski War - bagauda uprising of slaves, peasants and landless
of somewhere around 290 year - Diocletian divided the rule of Marcus Aurelius with Maximilian that the government and the western part of the empire Diocletian the east; Rome is no longer the seat of empire, Diocletian created an absolute monarchy (Dominate), reserves the border troops and creates and operational, whose core consists of Palatini and the kingdom divided into twelve dieceza; Senate loses political significance
about 301 year - have been established maximum prices of goods and labor
the 303rd and 304th year - were introduced measures against Christians
on 305th year - Maximilian naslijeđuje it abdicates and his co-ruler Constantius Klor
on 306th year - or Constantine the Great Constantine I (Flavius Valerius Constantine) became Emperor
on 306th - 324th year - mutual engagements Roman co, Licinijevim defeat Constantine became sole ruler of Rome
on 312th year - Battle of Mulvijeva bridge, Constantine wins uzrupatora Maxentius, and the battle before him, according to legend, said Cross with the inscription: 'In this sign you will win', therefore:
on 313th years - passed a law on free ispovjedanju Christian faith in Milan, known as the Edict of Milan
on 325th year - Emperor Constantine the Great put outside the law gladiatorial combat, which, however, still held sporadically until around 450 The
on 330th year - Constantinople became the head city of the Empire
on 337th year - the death of the emperor Constantine (I or the Great, because when it comes to the king of this name, thought is always on it), it nasljeđuje Constantius II
on 357th year - Julian the apostate as governor in Gaul wins Alamanni at Argentoratuma
the 361st year - the death of Constantius II and Julian the apostate emperor was declared
the 363rd year - death of Julian the apostate Persijcima war with the siege Ktezifonta; brothers Valentinian and Valens Flavius come to power and the first government of the Western Empire from Milan and the other from eastern Kostantinopola
on 378th year - Battle of Adrianople against Vizigotaa ii death of Valens; Theodosian comes to power
on 379th year - Theodosian unites both parts of the Empire
on 379th - 382nd year - victory over Gotima and concluding alliances with Gotima against the Huns
the 391st year - Theodosian and declared Christianity the only official religion of the Roman Empire
the 393rd year - Theodosian abolished the Olympic Games (formerly the last continuously from 776th before Christ.
on 395th year - Theodosian death and the final division of the Roman Empire in the Eastern and Western Roman Empire
the 402nd year - the victory of Stilicho over Gotima
the 402nd year - Ravenna became (and remains the last) the capital of the Western Roman Empire
on 404th year - 1 siječnja, last gladiatorial combat in Rome
on 408th year - Goths occupy Pannonia and Noriko
on 410th years - reaching the Goths in Italy, occupied and looted by Rome
about 430 - those years - the Huns under Attila the command of penetrating the Gaul
the 451st years - the last Roman triumph: Battle of the Katalaunskim fields. The Roman general Flavius Aetius Flavius, known as 'the last true Roman', supported by King Theodoric the Visigoths, Attila wins, but, for tactical reasons, not destroyed.
on 475th year - Romulus Augustul becomes Emperor
on 476th years (3 or 4 rujna) - Germanic commander Odoacer removed from power Augustula Romulus, as the last ruler of the Western Roman Empire (but he, as a boy, pošteđuje life, and died about 511th this year), and declares the king of Italy, which is considered the last year of the Western Roman Empire, while the Eastern Roman or Byzantine Empire continued to take 1453rd year.
on 480th year - Split (in Diocletian's Palace) was killed (poisoned) last legitimate Western Roman Empire Emperor (Romulus Augustul because the 'rule' only Italy), Julius Nepos. Today a street in Split bears his name.
o However, historians agree that the 476th years - years of failure of (Western) Roman Empire. Finishing the Old Ages. Starts dark Middle Ages
Roman writers
Roman Army
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Roman Republic
Roman Republic had a lot of subjects of division of power which today can be found in many state formation worldwide.
Of special importance of state regulation of the Roman republic were three principles:
* Annuity - all features were only one year
* Collegiality - always two people simultaneously perform a civil service - exception is a dictator
* Right to change the statutes (veto) - each official had the right to change or correct the return or regulation by his colleagues made
Most executive unlimited power in the Roman republic was Consul imperium Maius. Consuls were responsible for the supreme military command, the right judgments, the management of the Senate and Comitiama During the crisis, there is the possibility of naming a dictator for 6 months who had summus imperium, ie. all were his underling than pučkih Tribune.
Nosaitelji authorities were appointed by three different assemblies:
* Centurijska Assembly-appointed censors, consuls, magistrates and pontifex maximus
* Tribunicial Assembly-appointed officials of lower rank: EDIL, kvestore, vigintisex viri
* Plebeian Assembly-appointed People's Tribune and plebeian EDIL
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The Roman Senate and National Assembly (Comitia), who were responsible for the laws, they monitor the work of all officials. Members of the Senate were not elected but appointed from layer to censor life time. Originally in the Senate are elected only patricians and plebeians, and later
History of
The origin and early Republic period (510 BC - 351 BC)
Exact date of the foundation of the Roman Republic is difficult to determine. Livy reports that the last Roman King Lucius Tarquinius Superbus 510 BC expelled from Rome, and that Lucius Junius Brutus and Lucius Tarquinius Kolatin chosen for the Roman consul, while the 508 BC elected the first high priest (pontifex maximum).
Period of the origin and early age indicates the time of the Roman Republic and the establishment of security of the Roman state. 496 BC Romans Latina winning the battle of Regilskog lakes and 493 BC create and enter into an alliance with the Federation of Latin cities. In this period and occur pvi conflict between plebeians and patricians (the first secessio plebis), where plebeians, because of its difficult position in the city that was under the rule of Patricia, decided to leave the city of Rome and established the second settlement. Middle of the 5 century BC Decemviri published a table of twelve law, which defines the rights of Roman citizens.
In this period Rome has played very important role Latiju Wu, and immediately after the establishment of the Republic, Rome began to systematically conduct policy širanja its territory. However, in these its territorial claims, Rome, at the very počenju expansion, and suffered defeats. The hardest of these was 387 BC when the city occupied and sacked the Celts.
The city soon recovered and continued its expansion to the south and north, where there was a sharp conflict against Sabellians between 343 BC and 290 BC
The rise and development of the Roman Republic
After 340 BC Romans manage to control most gradoma in the area Latija. Since somewhere around 280 BC Pirom after the conflict with and victory over them, and the Romans conquered southern Italy, where they have been present for centuries and the ancient Greeks, thus coming into contact with their culture. In order to implement and maintain controls on osvojenoj territory, the Romans begin to establish their own colonies and provinces, which in turn led to the creation of alliances with cities and tribes with different rights and privileges:
1. full citizens of Rome (Rome, citizens, colonies and has placed the tribe)
2. community with the Roman civil rights, but without the right to vote
3. allies, who could retain their autonomy
Between 246 pnei 146 BC, the Romans lead Punic wars, after which the city-state Rome becomes very powerful. First Punic War (264 BC - 241 BC) starts due to a conflict of interest of Rome and Carthage for the state commercial island of Sicily. Romans are forced to build a naval fleet and 241 BC manage to defeat Carthage, which capitulated, paid indemnity to Rome withdraws from Sicily, but zauvrat retains its influence in Španjolskoj, where he established his new colonial empire.
In the meantime, ingenious strategist Hannibal over the Alps and 218 BC Second Punic War began (218 BC-201 BC) against Rome. After a defeat, as in Kane (216 BC) when it seemed that Hannibal conquer Rome, the Romans still manage to save their influence and win Hanibalovog brother in the battle Metaurus (207 BC), after which the weak and the power of the Hannibal and despite the alliance with the Macedonian king Philip V. 214 BCE, which also begins the Roman - Macedonian wars against the Romans, the Romans succeeded the land in North Africa and finally calculated at the Battle of Zama (201 BC) against Carthage. Carthage lost all its territory. In the Third Punic War (149 BC - 146 BC) the Romans had won the rest Kartažana and founded the province of Africa.
The Romans were already 200 pnepolitički umiješali in Greece, and sided with the small and medium-heavy states and thus oppose Macedonia, and even 196 BC Greece declared free but under the Roman protectorate, which caused the riots and were 192 to 188 BC had to wage war against the spread of Syrian King Antiochus III. After the victory and the withdrawal of the Syrian army, Rome in the Third Roman-Macedonian war (171 to 168 BC) finally calculated by Pidne with Macedonia and Macedonia declared its provinces.
Victory against Carthage and Macedonia, and placing their territories under their wing, and the expulsion of the Syrians, the Rome Masters this period the whole western world, while the eastern part, Rome protects the weak from Ptolemaic Egypt and the Seleucids 133 BC Pergamum, founded on the territory of the province of Asia.
In this period, appear and the first resistance within Rome. 136 BC slave revolt begins in Sicily, and from 111 BC - 105 BC Rome leads the war against Jugurtha in Numidia on the North Rim nasrću and Germanic tribes, Teutons and Cimbre, a 104 BC starts and the second slave war.
субота, 6. фебруар 2010.
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